It’s not a sad shock that some prison doctor in Arkansas was, in seems, an early adopter or ivermectin as a quack COVID-19 treatment. Given the level of general competence among those who contract their medical services out incarcerating institutions, it’s a bit of a wonder that this fool wasn’t peddling Dr. Thaddeus’s and Aunty Prudence’s Olde Timey Balsam and Sarsaparilla Nerve Cooling and Gout Soothing Cure-All Tonic and Elixir For All That Ails You And Some Stuff You Ain’t Got Yet (Now Compounded With Pastor Ezekiel’s Jungle Juice For Exotic and Alien Maladies). But wait, maybe that is ivermectin’s chemical and generic name. AS far as I can see from the people pushing it, it seems likely.
It’s not a surprise that this fool, Dr. Rob Karas, is pushing this stuff on inmates, either. If you haven’t caught this story, try linking to this article: “‘Like Tuskegee’: Southern Jail Treats COVID With Dangerous, Unproven Drug Ivermectin.” Medical services and bad in jails. I’ve been over that before. The medical providers in jails seem mostly to be refugees from regular practice that might invite scrutiny because their patients get to walk around and talk to people about their treatments. Everything makes sense if you just do a little research. I looked up this veterinarian, I mean physician, and his website tells me that he got his undergraduate degree from HIllsdale College in Michigan. That makes the Tuskegee thing come into clearer view. You see, Karas has to experiment on inmates because it’s his God-given mission as an acolyte of the Unerring West. Deworming saves the heathens. And although Karas has claimed that he and his family are taking ivermectin, too, that should only just make us doubt his capacities as a family member as well as his competence as a doctor.
Hillsdale College is the perfect breeding ground for aspirants to the Junior Mengele League. After all, this is the place that, according to its own mission statement, “considers itself a trustee of our Western philosophical and theological inheritance tracing to Athens and Jerusalem, a heritage finding its clearest expression in the American experiment of self-government under law.” It’s unclear that the HIllsdale curriculum teaches, despite its grand claims, that Hippocrates lived in Classical Greece or that Israel started vaccinating its inmates with legit COVID vaccines back in January. Now if the Western philosophical and theological inheritance means quackery practiced on the abject and imprisoned, then I stand corrected. Maybe my education just isn’t up to HIllsdale snuff.
But “snuff” is the operative word here. The good doctor doesn’t give enough of a shit about the lives of inmates to give them drugs that are actually proven useful and effective: you know, the actual vaccines of which BILLIONS of doses have been safely administered. He’d rather made a gamble “undesirable” on the patent medicine all for the sake of making senseless political points about Freedom and, most likely given a HIllsdale background, Jesus, too. After all, this is the place that crows it will not succumb to “the dehumanizing, discriminatory trend of so-called ‘social justice’ and ‘multicultural diversity'” (also from the college’s mission statement). Nah, why “succumb” to justice when you can just risk the lives of the poor and the people and potentially rid the world of that nasty human majority forever? That’s the clearest expression of the American End of Western Civilization, isn’t it? One would think that anyone with any ethical sense at all would immediately flee such immoral nonsense.
But these are the Elect. The Innocents of the Innocent. After all Former Attorney General Barr spoke at Hillsdale on September 16, 2020, ostensibly to celebrate the US Constitution. This during election season while toadying for The Great American Liar. This, also, without irony. (By the way, this is the same day Trump said about SARS-CoV2: “We’re going to be OK. And it is going away. And it’s probably going to go away now a lot faster because of the vaccine. It would go away without the vaccine, George. But it’s going to go away a lot faster with the vaccine.” But almost a year later, who needs a vaccine when you have a dewormer. Besides horses and inmates are a closer biological match than inmates and Trumps. So, Barr has the nerve to come and say anything about the Constitution; in fact, he did declare that day at Hillsdale that “If criminal statutes are endlessly manipulable, then everything becomes a potential crime.” But he was really only worried about “criminalization of politics … The criminal law is supposed to be reserved for the most egregious misconduct — conduct so bad that our society has decided it requires serious punishment, up to and including being locked away in a cage.” You know, don’t sweat the stuff that he and his cronies are up to. Hand them the vaccines and a pardon. Cages and dewormer for the rest of us.
This Hillsdale ethos also extends to another notable alumnus, Erik Prince. Yes, that Erik Prince of mercenary fame, who if you didn’t catch it this week, decided it was the perfect time to further war profiteer off Afghanistan. See this article for his suitably horrifying, and utterly anticipatable, behavior: “Report: Erik Prince, Betsy DeVos’ brother, offers $6,500-a-seat flights from Afghanistan.” You remember how Jesus gouged refugees in the Bible, right? It’s in the Book of No-He-Fucking-Didn’t, Chapter 1, Verse 1. I merely need to learn to appreciate the long tradition of Western, Christian “jihadists” more than I do. Then I wouldn’t be so upset by injustice. A Hillsdale education would do me right. For all that the school and its alumni and minions do, they certainly are good at taking the “liberal” out of “liberal arts.” God’s work, you know, God’s work.
But back to the inmates and ivermectin for a moment. I know I was away for a few years, but when did this country really get this stupid and blind? We had been toying with it for years before I was incarcerated, but we somehow seem to have gone over the edge of a minimally rational precipice while I was inside. So explain to me this logic: I’ll prescribe a drug to combat COVID that is not a drug that combats COVID. Meanwhile, I could prescribe you a free drug that really does combat COVID, but I won’t because, well, the gubmint seems to know that it works, and I don’t want anything that works if the gubmint knows it works. People are running around hysterically shouting about how they don’t want unproven drugs in their system while simultaneously filling themselves with unproven drugs. People are offended by competence and expertise but fawn over amateurish ignormance, all the while trying to call it competence and expertise? What the hell were you people doing out here? How did you let this happen? This is not the kind of mindset that people can be rationally educated out of because it’s anti-rational to start with. Reason will not work. What’s our other option? Evolution? Bu these are the same people who think the won;t be caught in some great die-off because “there is no evidence that ever happened before. Now get out of my way so I can get to the gas station.”
Karas and his ilk are all about self-medication with none of the pleasure that comes from traditional forms of Western self-medication: alcohol, drugs, and sex. The thing is, people in prison really understand the long traditions of drugs, sex, and booze as self-medication. You might not find a group of people with more expertise on the subject. So Karas and Company offer a “less sinful” form of amateur self-care. The problem is that they don’t see exploitation of the less-fortunate as a sin in itself, likely a bigger sin that the sex, booze, and drugs. Yet they have the nerve (if conscious) or blinders (if unconscious) to constantly whinge: “Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?” If you are sick in prison, you will be astounded at how the other inmates will carefully care for you. Can we say that out here?